mercredi 15 août 2012

ASPARTAME Increase The Risk Of Lymphoma Cancer

According to the results of a recent study conducted by the Cancer Research Center of the European Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences in Bologna, Italy, and the frequent use of aspartame increases the risk of cancer, lymphoma and leukemia. Although the study was conducted on the long term especially with female mice, without the active participation of all human beings, and the results are still inconclusive: aspartame is a carcinogen, which clearly has a significant contribution to the development and evolution of cancer of the lymph nodes. Desalination of a very popular chemical used as a substitute for sugar-based sweeteners, aspartame is no longer considered safe. It was reported that the Italian research team conducted a study on the effects of the use of aspartame in the long run should this chemical sweetener completely removed from the market because it increases the risk of cancer. At this time, and is used widely all over the world, aspartame, is a chemical element common chewing gum, soft drinks and a wide range of other products. And confirmed a host of other potential carcinogenicity studies of aspartame, and revealed that the chemical damage to DNA, increasing the risk of cancer and degenerative diseases of the brain in the long run. It was in accordance with the results, and this product is commonly used to facilitate the growth of tumors at various levels and physical, which is a risk factor for cancer of the brain. It has recently been theories about the carcinogenic potential of aspartame clearly supported by the statistical reports: occurrence of brain tumors in animals exposed to long doses of aspartame has increased by more than 47 times. Carcinogenicity of aspartame high due to a variety of toxins it contains. The medical scientists said that it is also known to be a chemical aspartame is very serious in the past, in spite of this fact, as promoted by aspartame as safe for commercial reasons. And is also considered that the increasing prevalence of cancer in the brain in the world's population must be connected to the frequent use of aspartame-based products. Oncologists said that at present the incidence of brain tumors is much higher than it was decades ago, before it becomes commercially available aspartame products. In addition, as increasing the frequency of different subtypes of lymphoma, such as reticulum cell sarcoma are rare, and microglioma histiocytic lymphoma in recent years has affected the use of aspartame. Although the exposure can be considered as a risk factor for the aspartame serious lymphoma and other malignancies, such as, exactly how aspartame causes the emergence of these disorders is still unknown. It is believed that aspartame interferes directly in the genetic makeup of the body, causing genetic defects that lead to production at a later time, the cancer cells. However, there is a need to conduct further studies to provide cancer specialists with additional data on aspartame and its pernicious effects on the human body

vendredi 2 décembre 2011

Blood Cancer Types

Unfortunately, there are many people who get cancer each year and have to deal with these types of illnesses. One type of cancer is blood cancer. Many people wonder what are some of the blood cancer types that people become sick with. Find out what some of the blood cancer types are.
One of the first common types of blood cancer is Leukemia. This unfortunately targets parts of your body that help you form your blood. There are a variety of types of Leukemia but all of them hurt your ability to produce healthy white blood cells. Because people with Leukemia lack white blood cells, typically the complications come from an inability to fight infection versus the cancer itself. Unfortunately, this is one of the more common cancers in children.
Lymphoma is another type of cancer that people get. This is a cancer of the lymph system which sometimes is referred to as Hodgkin's lymphoma or Hodgkin's disease. What happens is that the cells within the lymphatic system start to not form correctly. Eventually it's difficult to fight infections making the person very sick. There are also forms of lymphoma that are called non-Hodgkin's lymphoma which effects the while blood cells instead.
A third type of cancer is Multiple Myeloma. This type of cancer is very dangerous simply because it will effect the plasma cells in the blood. Generally the signs of this type of cancer is difficult to spot until someone has already had some serious infections because the body can't fight them off too well.
You need to be aware that there are multiple versions of each type of these cancers. Some are acute as they appear and harm the body quickly while others will not be so severe and gradually build up unless dealt with. If you need more information on a specific type of cancer, you can talk to your doctor getting all the information you need about a very specific type of cancer.
No matter what, the best advice we can give you is to start treating your cancer as soon as possible. The more time you give the cancer in your blood to evolve, the harder it will be to get rid of it in the end. Blood cancer is not a terminal disease per say, but if you do not start treating it immediately, it may very well be!
We wish you the best of luck with treating the cancer in your blood or avoiding same.

leukemia cancer
leukemia cancer specialist

jeudi 17 novembre 2011

Myeloid Leukemia Definitions, Classifications And Symptoms

Myeloid leukemia is a group of diseases whose characteristic changes are seen in the bone marrow and blood, where tumor cells infiltrate the blood system; sometimes these cells even spill into the circulating blood other tissues. The concept of myeloid leukemia is from the action of immature white blood cells being produced in excess and therefore inhibiting the production of the normal blood cells. These cells are called myeloid cells; they by their action in the blood disturb the function of the blood cells.
This leukemia has both tumors which are kept untreated to those that are diagnosed and treated immediately, ranging from rapid fatality to those which are slow in growing. Therefore on the basis of their treatment course they are divided into acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).
AML is seen more in men than in women and more prevalent in people older than 65 than in people of younger age. CML is also greater in men than in women but its incidence always increase slowing and the people's age increases and gets to the peak of occurrence in mid forties from where there is rapid rise in CML occurrence. Anyway the incidence of CML decreased slightly in the past two decades.
The etiology of myeloid leukemia is depended on the type, AML is related with risk factors such as hereditary (other resident blood disease in the family history; DIC) exposure to occupational chemicals, intense exposure to radiation which may be as a result of therapeutic reasons and even some drugs, but there is nothing relating the cause of ML to viral infection in any way.
While the etiology of chronic myeloid leukemia has no distinct relation with cytotoxic drug effect and there is also no evidence connecting it with any viral infection, but cigarette smoking by studies has shown to increase its progress into severe crisis, therefore living with Chronic myeloid leukemia and smoking becomes dangerous. Only large dosage of radiation has any adverse effect for CML formation.
The symptoms of ML are also depending on the type, whether it is AML or CML. For AML patients are presented with some nonspecific symptoms which begin either slowly or abruptly and the symptoms are leucopenia or leucocytosis, thrombocytopenia. These symptoms are usually due to anemia in such patients. Other symptoms of are fatigue, anorexia and weight loss and easily getting bruised with excessive bleeding.
While in CML the symptoms are at first insidious therefore it is difficult to diagnose a patient based but symptoms, such patients are usually diagnosed during normal medical checkup, or others come to the hospital with complaints fatigue, weight loss, symptoms relating to splenomegaly such as early satisfaction during eating, left upper quadrant pain, infections, thrombosis or sometimes bleeding.
When chronic myeloid leukemia progresses symptoms worsened with bone and joint pain, significant loss of weight which will require increasing the dose of the drugs used for treatment. Chemotherapy is used as treatment of myeloid leukemia but when this fails bone transplant is done.

vendredi 11 novembre 2011

Childhood Leukemia - Detecting Leukemia in Your Child

Speaking of cancer it is human silent killer. It will attack uncontrollably if its number (cell) multiplies rapidly.
Once they form massively it gives negative effect on usual operation of the adjoining tissue. At this point of time there must be action on treating this problem. If this would not be treated well cancer cell would pass-through bloodstream reaching some body parts. This is what we call metastasis which is already very hard to control or to be cured.

We all have cancer cells scattered all over our body parts and no one spared of that silent killer. Young and old people can have it especially if our body immune system got weakens that could lower our resistance. Cancer problem on young generation are far more different than on older generations. The same medical procedures in fighting for it but different form when you look at it under the microscope. The chances are, younger generation responded better than the older one in terms of treatment.
Childhood and Adult Patients
Cancer is common on older people compared to younger people. Most likely mortality rate is higher on older people against younger ones. If we rate the chances of survival, 70% for the younger people and 30% for the elders. Sometimes it would goes up to 90% depends then on different types of cancer.
Reasons of Having Childhood Cancer
Cancer is not transmissible unlike AIDS. Disturbance to a cell's genes is one reason of cancer development.
On older people, one factor that contributed cancer is unhealthy lifestyle coming from different vices, carcinogen intake, too much sun exposure and a lot more. The reason of having childhood cancer is not yet known. There must be some reasons for this kind of cancer on our young generations but scientist never discovered yet what the cause is really.
Different types of Childhood Cancer
Leukemia: most common type of cancer on younger generation. There are more white blood cells than normal blood cells. These abnormal cell or leukemia developed earlier before reaching into maturity.
Different kinds of Leukemia
• Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): The most common type victimizing usually children/young people. It would strike on bone morrow - which is our blood manufacturer. One common treatment is by Chemotherapy -a kind of drug that kills cancer cells. Another one is by radiotherapy - a high energy wave, like an x-ray. Survival rate of this kind of medication is greater than 70%.
• Acute myeloid leukemia (AML): Is less most common on younger generations though it can also be treated with chemotherapy and stem cell replacement. Chance of surviving is between 50% and 60%.
• Brain Tumors and Spinal Cord Tumors: This kind is second most common type of leukemia on affecting our younger children. In most cases casualty is greater than surviving from any form of medications because this is very hard to manage and be cured. It needs surgery as the first line of treatment and it depends on where the part of the central nervous system brains tumor grown-up. A series of chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions could inevitable happen as a sort of follow-up medications. There are few who would survive depending on the status of the tumor (stages 1, 2, 3,) and the type of tumor.

Symptoms of Lymphoma in Women

Symptoms of lymphoma in women are generally the same as for men.
Lymphoma often develops quietly and with few symptoms so it may take a while before you may realize that there is something very much the matter.
Following is a list of the typical symptoms of lymphoma in women and symptoms of lymphoma in men alike.
One thing to keep in mind is that these lymphoma symptoms can be symptoms of any of a large number of conditions that are generally harmless.
For this reason, it's wise to consult with your doctor if you experience any of them.
1. Enlargement of the Lymph Nodes
This is the most characteristic lymphoma symptom and can be the only symptom that one experiences.
It's very important to note that a lot of different things can cause an enlargement of the lymph nodes and it does NOT necessarily mean you have lymphoma!
Typically, the lymph nodes of the groin, armpit and neck will swell but cause no pain.
Humans have 500+ lymph nodes in the body which are basically "forts" of immunity.
When they swell, it is often indicative of the body initiating an immune response against some type of microscopic invader.
You may notice these lumps in the course of your daily routine, such as when showering or applying creams, etc.
The symptoms outlined most often only indicate a possible lymphoma if they are discovered in addition to swollen lymph nodes.
2. Losing Weight
Typically, sudden weight loss will occur over a period of several months with no good reason.
Weight loss can range from a few pounds to up to 20 or so.
3. Running a Fever
A random fever that keeps occurring for no good reason (i.e., is not connected with a flu, cold, etc.) is usually an indication to go see your physician.
Symptoms of lymphoma can be confused with symptoms of other illnesses and, in fact, a lymphoma that causes fever accompanied by lymph node swelling is frequently mistaken for a flu or something similar.
Additionally, in those afflicted by a Hodgkins type lymphoma, a quintessential type of fever termed Pel-Ebstein fever can develop.
4. Night Sweats
Excess sweating at night may find you waking up soaked in your own sweat.
5. Pruritis (Itchiness)
Lymphoma cells can secrete certain substance which cause the entire body to be itchy, a condition known as pruritis.
6. Lack of Appetite
Individuals with lymphoma can experience a drop in their usual appetite which can also cause weight loss, one of the other symptoms of lymphoma listed above.
7. Fatigue and Listlessness
Cancer cells hijack the body's energy resource that would otherwise be utilized by healthy cells, causing a drop in energy levels.
8. Swelling
Depending upon where a lymphoma grows (and it can occur in any organ of the body), it may compress and block off veins, effectively limiting blood supply and causing swelling.
Site-specific lymphomas produce rather widely varying symptoms.
A lymphoma of the brain may cause pains in one's legs while a lymphoma in the stomach can cause stomach pains.
General Symptoms of Lymphoma in Women and General Symptoms of Lymphoma in Men
The first and most obvious sign of lymphoma is adenopathy, aka lymphadenopathy, which is a painless swelling of the lymph nodes.
Swollen lymph nodes by themselves, however, are NOT necessarily an indication of lymphoma.
It requires medical testing to confirm or negate the diagnosis.
Symptoms of lymphoma can come in many varieties, dependent upon the location of the lymphoma, the stage of growth, size of tumor, etc.
Symptoms linked with bone marrow issues such as becoming anemic (having a low red blood cell count) are uncommon in the beginning stages of a lymphoma but often are seen later in the game and often as a result of treatment.
MALT (Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) lymphomas affect any mucosal site, the stomach being the most common one. Alterations in bowel movement and stomach pains can be indications.
As far as the stomach lymphoma goes, if it is a result of infection with the H. Pylori bacterium, antibiotic treatment can cause the lymphoma to regress in 70%+ of cases.
How To Report Your Symptoms To A Doctor Effectively:
Describe the intensity of your symptom on a scale such as "This hurts about a 7 out of 10″.
For visually observable symptoms, show them to the doctor and also explain how they started off and looked like initially.
Explain when you first experienced your symptoms
How long have you been experiencing this symptom?
Is the symptom constant or does it come and go?
Describe any medications or dietary supplements you take/did take starting from the time symptoms manifested.
Do the symptoms change depending upon body positioning, time of day, etc.?
Do certain foods trigger the symptoms?
Be as descriptive as possible. The more accurate and specific the information you give, the more your doctor will be able to pinpoint the nature of your problem (if you have any!) and the better he/she will be able to treat you and advise you.

Lymph Node Cancer

Did you know that about 5% of all cancers are composed of lymph node cancer? Also known as lymphoma, this condition affects both men and women, commonly within the age range of 15 to 54. Between the sexes though, men are more likely to have it. Lymph node cancer is also known as lymphoma. This pertains to the cancers that start in the lymphatic tissues. The lymphatic tissues include the lymph glands (or nodes), adenoids, tonsils, spleen, bone marrow, and the vessels, which connect them. Although a lot of cancers spread to the lymphatic system in the long run, lymphomas are different because they originate from the system itself.
The two main categories of lymphomas are Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
This lymphoma is characterized by the presence of the malignant cells known as the Reed-Sternberg cells. It affects about 3 in every 100,000 Americans; mainly between the age range of 15 to 40.
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
This type of lymphoma is slightly more common than the first type especially among kids who are below 15 years old. It is typified by the malignant growth of a specific white blood cell or lymphocytes.
High Risk People
Some people have higher risk in developing lymphoma. They are often the ones with serious immune deficiencies or those who have undergone immunosuppressive medications after going through an organ transplant. Those who have also gone chemotherapy or radiation treatments may also have a higher risk in having the condition later in life.
Lymph node cancer may be diagnosed by the doctor during a routine check up or when you set an appointment to have some swollen nodules checked. Your doctor will conduct a thorough physical exam on you as well as blood and imaging tests. If you have inflamed lymph nodes for no obvious reason like an infection, he or she will observe the nodule if it will continue to grow. If despite after taking antibiotics, the node remains swollen, the doctor would likely perform a biopsy. This can affirm or deny the presence of lymphoma in your system.

Chronic Adult Leukemia The Cause of Low Platelets

Are you a Leukemia patient suffering from low platelets? Are you also searching for non-toxic methods that will help increase your low platelets caused by a form of leukemia? Well there is hope that what I am about to share with you will be of great benefit to you. So keep reading and do not miss this.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia are the most common forms of leukemia in adults. The lymphocytic type being the most common of the two. Both types are discussed briefly in this article.

Leukemia patients may develop low platelets for different reasons. First the disease attacks the bone marrow where platelets are produced. Second, the medications that treat the disease can cause suppression of platelet production.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
CLL is a progressive form of leukemia. Most persons suffering from this type of leukemia do not present any form of symptoms whatsoever until the disease has advanced to stage four. It is during this stage IV of the disease that treatment is started. This is the stage in which thrombocytopenia ( low platelets ) starts. So you can say that low platelets in CLL is a sign of advanced disease.
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Also known as Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia or CML seems to be more aggressive than Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
CML has three phases:
1. Chronic phase: This is the phase where non-specific symptoms may be present with minor indications of severe disease. Some of these symptoms may be fatigue, a sense of feeling sick, anemia, chills at night etc. These symptoms may last from months to years
2. Accelerated phase: It is in this phase that a low platelet count can occur. Also all symptoms especially anemia tend to get worse.
3. Terminal phase: In this phase the disease tends to advance rapidly spreading to other areas such as bone, brain, lymph nodes etc and is usually fatal.
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